Views from The Ridge 11.06.2024

Sunset Ridge is a church that desires to follow Jesus, reach people, and radiate God’s love and hope to all.

This Week

Wednesday, November 6  Elementary Girls’ Bible Study  6pm  Charis Park 

Saturday, November 9  Second Saturday

  • 9am  Yoga

  • 10:15am  Storytime

Saturday, November 9  First weekly Farmers Market  9am-1pm  Charis Park 

Sunday, November 10 

  • 9am  Worship in the Sanctuary (Scott Heare preaching: Mark 12:38-44)

  • 10:15am  Classes for all ages

    • Adult classes in the Fellowship Hall:  Bible Class; BEMA podcast discussion

    • Women’s Group:  Chapel Classroom 

    • Youth Group

    • Roots & Roots 456 (PreK-3rd grade in Roots Room; Grades 4-6 in Rm 104)

  • 11am  Worship in the Chapel (Scott Heare preaching: Mark 12:38-44)

Sunday, November 10  Camelot Christmas Volunteer Meeting  12:30pm  Chapel Classroom

Coming Up…

Saturday, November 16  Farmers Market  9am-1pm
Sunday, November 17  Additional contribution for budget shortfall
Wednesday, November 20  Elementary Girls’ Bible Study  6pm  Charis Park

To view recorded sermons from Sunset Ridge Church, please make sure to add us to your subscriptions on YouTube.

Around Our Community

All are welcome to an informational meeting in preparation of Camelot Christmas, our biggest service event of the year!  This event is centered around empowering parents of Camelot students to pick and purchase Christmas gifts for their little ones while providing a fun Christmas party for the families to enjoy together.  If you are interested in volunteering for this event, please meet in the Chapel Classroom immediately following 11am worship, Sunday, November 10th.

Finding Home Base

Mae Czarnecki, Communications Coordinator, Sunset Ridge Collective

Let me tell you about the worst day of my life.

It was over a year ago, on a day in court. This wasn’t a criminal case; there were no charges, but it was serious. My support network and I had prepared tirelessly, with everyone reassuring me: “There’s no way,” “Don’t worry,” “It wouldn’t make any sense.” Still, as I sat, I felt exposed. I stayed honest on the stand, but a hollow silence settled around me as we waited for the judge’s decision.

The verdict? Devastating. My involuntary reaction was a sound I’d never heard myself make, and I pray I never hear again. The outcome shook me to my core, filling me with confusion, anger, and fear for my children’s future. Yet somehow, that night, I fed my girls dinner, sent out a newsletter, and finally fell asleep. I woke the next morning, with puffy eyes, and did what our pastor Scott recently reminded us to do: I found my home base.

Growing up, I moved a lot all over the Coastal Bend. In each neighborhood, I’d find a "home base" of sorts—a familiar street light, a lamppost over a garage, or under the glow of a billboard. These were places where the neighborhood kids traded pokemon cards, burned CDs, and what we’d heard our parents discussing through the walls they thought protected our ears. When I became a young wife and mother, finding that “home base” got harder. But the need remained.

In the days and months following that worst day ever, I had no choice but to search for the light. Wallowing in darkness would have been a disservice to my children and the resilience I’d fought to build. To love the Lord with all my heart, mind, and strength meant finding peace, joy, and grace—even in the hardest moments. Christ, with His never-ending love, became my luminous anchor, and I felt Him as my true home base, surrounded by a community that was loving me as they loved themselves.

If you’re recovering from one of the worst days of your life, whether it’s fresh or long scarred over, here’s the good news: you’re not alone. Many of us here at Sunset Ridge have our own stories, our own heartbreaks, and we’ve come together to find home base in Christ. This place, these people, and our faith in one God—has a place for you in that same light.

All are welcome here.

Prayers & Praises

Bethany Hill is home following surgery.


Views from The Ridge 11.13.2024


Views from The Ridge 10.30.2024