Sunset Ridge Church FAQs

  • What is the Church of Christ?

    The Church of Christ is part of a broader American Christian tradition known as the Restoration Movement or Stone-Campbell Movement, named after two of its key founders. This movement began with a vision for Christian unity, believing that when believers come together under the guidance of the Holy Spirit—much like in Acts 2—God works in transformative ways.

    Today, the Churches of Christ exist as an offshoot of the Restoration Movement, with one defining characteristic: autonomy. Each congregation is self-governed, meaning there is no overarching authority dictating how churches should operate. Leadership is typically drawn from within the local church, creating unique expressions of faith from one congregation to another. Because of this independence, every Church of Christ may look and feel a little different.

    Historically, Churches of Christ have been known for:

    A cappella worship

    Baptism by immersion

    Weekly communion

    A strong emphasis on studying scripture

    However, over time, many Churches of Christ, including ours, have evolved in their beliefs and practices.

    At Sunset Ridge, we embrace our roots while also being a progressive and inclusive community. We welcome people from all walks of life, celebrating diversity and creating space for authentic spiritual growth, service, and connection.

    Our mission is guided by four core values:

    Radical Hospitality – Extending a warm and open welcome to all.

    Spirit-Led – Seeking God’s guidance in all we do.

    Sacred Creativity – Honoring the beauty of diverse expressions of faith.

    Incarnational Community – Living out the love of Christ in tangible ways.

    We would love to connect with you! If you have any questions about who we are, feel free to reach out at

  • What should I expect in worship?

    First and foremost, we want you to know how excited we are that you’re here. We hope you feel truly welcome and that Sunset Ridge can be a place of comfort and belonging—one that honors every person who walks through our doors.

    We strive to create a worship experience that fosters a deep sense of presence, reminding us of our belovedness and belonging with God and one another.

    What Our Worship Looks Like

    Most of our services follow a familiar rhythm, which includes:


    Scripture Reading

    A Sermon



    At Sunset Ridge, we strive to be an inviting and relational church. You’ll likely find that many people will introduce themselves and may even invite you to lunch. We understand that meeting new people can sometimes feel overwhelming, so please feel free to engage at your own pace—no pressure, just genuine hospitality.

  • Do you have Children's Programming?

    We welcome children and families to worship and grow in faith together. Our children's programming is designed to provide an engaging and nurturing environment for kids while allowing caregivers to participate fully in worship.

    Worship & Children's Programming Schedule:

    9:00 AM Service: No dedicated children's programming is offered at this time, but children are always welcome to sit with their caregivers in worship.

    Nursery (6 months – 3 years old): Available from 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM to provide a safe and loving space for our youngest members.

    Formation Hour (10:15 AM): Between our two worship services, we offer classes for all ages, including children.

    11:00 AM Service: Our Godly Play children’s ministry takes place during this service. Children begin in worship with their families and are dismissed for Godly Play, then return to the sanctuary for communion and singing at the end of the service.

    Sunday Formation Classes (10:15 AM – 10:50 AM):

    Roots (Children’s Ministries):

    PK – Kindergarten: Room 102

    1st – 2nd Grade: Room 122

    3rd – 6th Grade: Room 203

    Youth Group (7th – 12th Grade): Room 218

    For security purposes, we ask that caregivers escort their children to programming so our children’s ministry team can check them in and gather necessary contact information.

    Children are always welcome to remain in worship with their caregivers at either service and to fully participate in communion.

  • What is music like here?

    Our worship features a blend of instrumental and a cappella songs, led by our song leaders and worship band. Everyone is invited to participate in a way that feels meaningful, whether by singing along or simply listening and reflecting.

    9:00 AM Service: This service features a cappella worship, led by our song leaders. Sheet music is often projected on the screen for those who wish to sing along.

    11:00 AM Service: Our worship band leads a mix of familiar and original songs. Lyrics are displayed on the stage monitors so everyone can follow along.

    No matter the style, our worship is meant to draw us into God’s presence and remind us of our belovedness and belonging in community.

  • Can I take communion?


    We usually practice communion by passing around the bread and grape juice. Any and all people are invited to participate if they would like, including children, regardless of their level of familiarity with our church.

  • Are you wheelchair accessible?

    Accessibility is very important to us and we are aware that there are many barriers that our century old campus poses to our neighbors and friends. Part of our plans for the renovation of our space include full ADA compliance in all spaces with thoughtful design choices formed with care.

    Currently, if you park in the designated parking spots, using the ramp up, you hve direct access to the sanctuary foyer. If you are trying to enter the chapel, it can be long path. Following the sidewalk around the sanctuary, bell tower, and fellowship hall, and chapel classroom you’ll find yourself at the entrance to the Chapel with a ramp.

  • Can I take photos on your campus?

    If you would like to schedule professional photography on our campus, please contact the Sunset Ridge Office for permission and to schedule your visit.

What do I need to know if I’m planning to visit?

We know we have a large campus that can be hard to navigate. If you’re planning on visiting us, it may be helpful to consult this map. The majority of our parking is located behind the building on the north side of campus. However, we do have parking on the southwest corner next to our coffee trailer, One Another Coffee. If you’d like to grab coffee or a pastry before entering, this is a great place to do so, and all profits go to Charis Park.

We gather at 9 am in the Sanctuary and 11 am in the Chapel each Sunday. The entrance to the Sanctuary is located at the northwest corner of our property. There are three sets of double doors that ring the foyer through which you can enter. 

We meet for Formation beginning at 10:15am throughout the building. Our groups for children, teens, and adults are to help our members build relationships and study a topic of interest together. For more information, please contact The nursery is available all morning for all who need it.

We have a second service at 11 am in our historic chapel. There are two entrances located in the courtyard. Our church service typically ends around 12 pm. We would love to take you to lunch afterward and get to know you better.

If you’d like to worship with us from home or on the road, we also post our recorded services by Wednesday of each week on our Youtube. You can access these videos here.