Our mission is to follow Jesus, reach people, and radiate his love and hope to all.


Worship Together

Sundays mornings at 9am, we meet in our large sanctuary for a service inspired by the Church of Christ tradition with a cappella singing, communion, and prayer led by both women and men.

Sunday mornings at 11am, we meet in our historic chapel for an experiential service with instrumental music, liturgy, and an open-table communion led by both women and men.
Between our two worship services, our congregation participates in Formation at 10:15 am. In addition to studying God’s word in depth, we grow closer together by learning to live more like Jesus.

This Week’s Message

Watch the latest sermons from this past Sunday morning’s worship service.
You can also find past sermons on our YouTube channel.

Recent teachings.

Upcoming events.


The heart of Sunset Ridge Collective in Terrell Heights.


Exciting things are on the way…

a new neighborhood park is coming soon.