Views from The Ridge 1.10.23

Sunset Ridge is a church that desires to follow Jesus, reach people, and radiate God’s love and hope to all.

This week…

Tuesday, January 10, 6:30-7:45pm: Life Group, John & Linda Tuller (facilitators), meets in the Fellowship Hall

Wednesday, January 11, 7:30-9pm: Youth group hosted by the Stirmans (232 Harmon Dr. )

Thursday, January 12, 1pm: Pastoral Care Team Meeting in the Fellowship Hall

Saturday, January 14, 9:30am: Family Morning on the Lawn

Sunday, January 15:

  • 9:15am— Roots Children’s Class and Life Groups (see list below of current Life Group offerings)

  • 10:30am— Worship in the Sanctuary

    Sermon: “God of the In-Between”

    Text: Exodus 16:1-21, 35

  • 4:30pm— Liturgy & Worship in the Chapel


Wednesday, January 18, 7pm: Youth Parent Meeting in the Fellowship Hall

Wednesday, January 25, 10am: Women’s Wednesday Fellowship

“Song of the Sea”

Riley Stirman

The first half of Exodus 15 records a song of praise that Israel sings once they have been led safely through the waters to the other side of the Red Sea.  Many scholars actually say that this is probably the single most ancient bit of writing in our entire Bibles - that before the people of Israel passed down stories about Abraham and creation, they were teaching their children that they were the people that God led through the sea.

There's something significant in this story for us.  The song that the Israelites sing signals a shift in their communal identity.  When the people left Egypt, they were nothing but slaves on the lam from their oppressors.  On the other side of the sea, however, they are a people testifying to God's deliverance, joined together as witnesses to God's power and goodness.  Something about traveling through the waters fundamentally changed Israel's entire identity.

This is why early Christian writers identified this story so much with the practice of baptism.  They saw many parallels between the rebirth of the nation of Israel and the rebirth of a new Christian.  As we enter the waters of baptism, we are once and for all being rescued from the oppressive powers of sin and death and entering the promised land of God's deliverance.  We, like Israel, emerge from the waters, a brand new people with brand new identities.

And we, like Israel, cannot get the order of events wrong.  It is worth emphasizing that Israel was not saved because of their faith in God.  Instead, God saved Israel, and his salvation evoked a faithful response from his people.

This is the thing we often get wrong when we talk about the Law in the Old Testament.  We say that it was oppressive, that it was a way to earn God's love and favor, and that no human could possibly do everything that was written down in the Torah.  But that's just not how the people of Israel saw it.  Obeying the Law wasn't the cause of God's love, it was a response to God's love.  It was a way to live out your faith and claim to the world and to each other that I belong to the God who saved me.

We cannot make the same mistake as we think about the Christian life.  Baptism is our own faithful response to what God has already done in Jesus Christ.  The powers of sin and death were nailed to the cross.  We were rescued from our slavery and freed to be God's chosen people.  This didn't happen because we prayed hard enough or lived good lives or went to church enough times.  It happened because God is good.  And he loves his people.

Take a minute and remind yourself of this simple truth:  God saved me.

Now it's time to begin your life of worship, to sing your song of the sea.  Not to earn love, mind you.  But in response to the ocean of love that is already present.

Daily Bible Readings

New Email Address: is changing to Please note this change of address in your email contacts. You may continue to contact Julie Mankins and other church office volunteers at

Directory Updates

Jim & Kiehle 4022 River Falls, 78259 (same phone numbers)

Mack & Caroline Miller 9939 Fredericksburg Rd #1102, 78240

Maria Perry (210) 970-9551 (new phone number)

Need an updated copy of the church directory? Send a request to:

Life Groups: Open To All!

At Sunset Ridge, Life Groups are an integral part of our process of spiritual formation as we seek to grow in faith and knowledge to assist us in living out our mission. We welcome you to review our current Life Group offerings and choose one that suits your availability and interest. Contact the group facilitator(s) for more information.

Sunday Mornings, 9:15-10:15am:

  • Gay & Dewey Carlson, facilitators - Fellowship Hall - The Parables of Jesus

  • Joann Thompson, facilitator - Fellowship Hall - The book of James using William Barclays Daily Bible Study

  • Randy Rutland, facilitator - Fellowship Hall - Poured Out: The Spirit of God Empowering the Mission of God by Leonard Allen

  • Anthony & Glenna Miranda, facilitators - Chapel Classroom - The Good And Beautiful Community by James Bryan Smith; TBD

  • Ashley Lockridge, facilitator - Library - Approaching the Daily Bible Readings with guided questions

Sundays, 2pm (Zoom meeting every other Sunday afternoon)

  • Bill Wards, online facilitator - Misreading Scripture With Western Eyes: Removing Cultural Blinders to Better Understand the Bible by E. Randolph Richards and Brandon J. O'Brien

Mondays, 6-8pm (every other Monday night starting January 9)

  • Anne Kiehle, facilitator - homes of members - sharing a meal - Video Series of Lectures by Luke Timothy Johnson on the history of how we got our Bible

Tuesdays, 6:30-7:45pm (2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month)

  • John & Linda Tuller, facilitators - Fellowship Hall - Textual study of the book of Romans

Please Note: The Church Office will be CLOSED on Monday, January 16.

Requests for Prayer

Cathy Young’s daughter, former member Sherri Bellow, is recovering from surgery for two broken feet and a broken leg suffered in a fall.

John Harp is home and doing well following from hernia surgery.

Geraldine Kiser’s daughter, Ellen Kiser, is scheduled for a biopsy on January 12.

We Express Sympathy To: Lynn & Randy Rutland & Family on the death of Lynn’s mother, Dazel Ball, on January 7. Funeral services will be held at Mission Park Funeral Chapel (3401 Cherry Ridge) on Saturday, January 14, at 12pm (family-only internment will follow). Visitation is at the funeral home Friday, January 13, 6-8pm. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations be made in Dazel’s name to the Chickasaw Foster Care Program (720 Colony Drive, Ada, OK 74820) to provide annual Christmas gifts for Chickasaw children living in foster homes throughout the United States.

God, we gather in gratitude, thankful for the ways you seek to revive us! Let the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts work together to praise you in this hour. Grant your Spirit to move our hearts and inspire each of us to share your steadfast love with all whom we encounter. Help us to join in giving only what is good, not only today, but every day.  Amen


Views from The Ridge 1.17.23


Views from The Ridge 1.3.23