Views from The Ridge 12.6.22

Sunset Ridge is a church that desires to follow Jesus, reach people, and radiate God’s love and hope to all.

This week…

Thru December 11: Designate poinsettias that adorn our Sanctuary during the Christmas season (forms in Foyer & the Church Office)

  • $18 per poinsettia (cash or check payable to Sunset Ridge by December 11)

  • On December 18, a special insert will be included in the worship program with the names of those being honored

Tuesday, December 6, 6:30pm: Life Group in the Fellowship Hall

Wednesday, December 7, 7:30-9pm: Youth group hosted by the Stirmans (232 Harmon)

Saturday, December 10, 9:30am-Noon: Workshop-Until-You-Drop Market

Sunday, December 11:

  • 9:15am— Honest Advent study in Life Groups (Fellowship Hall Groups will meet in the Chapel this week)

    & Roots Children’s Class

  • 10:30am— Worship in the Sanctuary (children remain in worship)

    Sermon: Joy in the Mourning?

    David Kneip (Guest Speaker)

    Scripture: Isaiah 61:1-11

  • Holiday Lunch immediately following worship

    (sign up here to bring food or volunteer)

  • 4:30pm— Chapel Liturgy & Worship


Wednesday, December 14, 10pm: Women’s Wednesday Fellowship - (Coffee & Cards, Prayer, & catered Christmas Meal - $10 suggested donation)

Friday, December 16, 6-9pm: Parents’ Night Out

  • RSVP for Kids to attend (ages 6 wks-11 yrs)

  • $10 per child or $30 per family (scholarships available)

  • Teen & Non-Parent Helpers Wanted! (contact Chelsea to serve)

Sunday, December 18, 5:30 pm: Christmas Caroling on the Lawn

Sunday, December 24, 4pm: Christmas Eve Service in the Sanctuary (No worship services on Christmas Day)

Do What You Say

Riley Stirman

When I was young, I had a million answers to the question of what I wanted to do when I grew up. I had such diverse ideas as professional baseball player, orthopedic surgeon, and foreign missionary. Ever the problem solver, I apparently once also suggested that I would be an ice cream truck driver who doubled as a mechanic just in case the truck ever broke down. 

Later in high school, my mom once asked me, “If you knew you couldn’t fail, what would you do?” I thought for awhile, and I eventually told her I think I would be a stand-up comedian. 

She then had the nerve to ask me what I was going to do to make that happen, and I said absolutely nothing.

I think we all have beliefs like that. We have passions, feelings, and attitudes that we hold to be true, but that we rarely act on. I’m guessing you do too. 

Theologian and Oxford professor Austin Farrer (famed for the Farrer hypothesis - ask me about it if you need any more proof that I’m a giant nerd) once said, “God has no attitudes which are not actions; the two things are one.”

Scripture, I believe, relentlessly proves the truth of this claim. God tells his people again and again his attitude toward them: he is their God, they are his people, and he loves them. But even more profoundly, God proves with his actions that what he says is true. He rises above all our failures in loving others with our actions. God is not forgetful or absent-minded. God takes no half-measures. God’s time and attention are never divided. He is never too busy or in too much of a rush to listen and to offer help. 

He loves his people, and he shows them with his actions. He loves his creation, and he shows it with his actions.

John 3:16 tells us how this aspect of God’s character impacts us even now. God loved the world so much that he did something about it. He sent his only son, his very essence, into the world. He was so moved by the human condition that he took that condition upon himself. And by doing so, he saved all humanity.

This Advent season, we are reminded that God loves us and loves the world. But this reminder isn’t just meant to provoke a warm, fuzzy feeling in your heart. It is a statement of belief that God, in his great love, is working to redeem his creation.

No, this world isn’t perfect. But God loves it all the same. He loves it - and us - so much, in fact, that he’s doing something about it. In the meantime, what better place to wait than dwelling in his perfect love?

Last Sunday’s sermon will not be posted to the website, but you may view the entire worship service on YouTube. Click to view the worship service from December 4.

Daily Bible Readings

Contribution Update

Weekly Budget Requirement = $12,014.75
Average Weekly Contribution = $11,063.43
Shortfall to date: $46,614.68

Praises & Prayers

We are excited to welcome Mack & Caroline Miller to our church family!

Kenneth Emrie had an unsuccessful heart catheterization procedure and is awaiting bypass surgery.

We’re so grateful to the 20+ joy-filled, servant-hearted volunteers from our community who helped to make Camelot Elementary’s Affordable Christmas happen last Saturday, along with everyone who purchased gifts or donated funds for the event! Read more about the joyous experience in this week’s Goodness Weekly newsletter.

God, we gather in gratitude, thankful for the ways you seek to revive us! Let the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts work together to praise you in this hour. Grant your Spirit to move our hearts and inspire each of us to share your steadfast love with all whom we encounter. Help us to join in giving only what is good, not only today, but every day.  Amen


Views from The Ridge 12.13.22


Views from The Ridge 11.29.22