Views from The Ridge 8.30.22

Sunset Ridge is a church that desires to follow Jesus, reach people, and radiate God’s love and hope to all.

This week…

Wednesday, August 31:

  • 10am— Women’s Wednesday Fellowship in the Fellowship Hall (click here to RSVP)

  • 7:30-9pm— Youth Group at the Stirmans’— Connect the Dots

Sunday, September 4:

  • 9:15am— The Art of Neighboring adult Bible class in the Fellowship Hall. Roots children’s class will not meet on September 4.

  • 10:30am— Worship Service in the chapel (due to a/c repair in the main building)

    Sermon: “The Great I Am”

    Scripture: John 6:25-51

  • 4:30pm— Supper Church (meet in the kitchen)


Monday, September 5: Church Office Closure

Tuesday, September 6 at 9am: Children’s Storytime on the lawn

Saturday, September 10 at 9:30am: Saturday Storytime & Family Morning

Sunday, September 11 at 4:30pm: Prayer Service for Peace & Remembrance in the chapel

September 16-18: Youth Group Retreat (link to sign up)

Sunday, October 2: Covenant Renewal Service



Riley Stirman

In John, the story of the miraculous feeding of the 5,000 concludes with the troubling comment that the people intended to take Jesus and make him king by force.

This may sound a bit odd, but let's sum up what we know about Jesus up to this point. We've seen him miraculously change one thing into another.  We've seen him heal debilitating illness. We've seen him heal a decades-long paralysis.  Now we know that there is no such thing as food shortage in his presence.  And - spoiler - in a few short chapters, we will watch in awe as he brings someone back from the dead.

In short, what more could you hope for if you're looking for someone to lead you in battle and establish a kingdom?  Just about every logistical problem that would put Israel at a disadvantage when fighting a war would be solved by someone like this.  Not enough money? Surely he can make some out of something else.  Not enough food?  All we need is a hunk of bread to feed the entire military.  Heavy casualties?  Don't worry about it, they'll be back in a few days!

If you've been following our sermon series, you may be familiar with this pattern by now.  People are watching Jesus and they're completely missing the point.  Like the Pharisees, they're wrong in perhaps the most dangerous way one can be wrong.  They're wrong, but they're convinced they're doing what God wants them to do.

Today, many Christians are in the habit of asking some version of the question, "How do I know if this is what God wants?"  In other words, I'm hearing several competing messages, I see a number of possible paths that I could take, and I'm not sure what God would want me to do.

I do think this is an important question, even if we sometimes get too caught up in details.  After all, immeasurable harm has been done in God's name throughout the history of our world, and we would do well to avoid giving God any more bad PR than we've already given him.  So, how can we tell?  Are we following Jesus or something else entirely?

This story provides valuable insight into one strong way to answer this question.  Jesus knew that there was a mob of people waiting to name him as their king, and he fled from them to go be by himself.

Multiple times throughout this Gospel, Jesus simply tells people no, simply because his time hadn't yet come.  We learn a little over halfway through the Gospel that "the time" that he was waiting for was his own crucifixion.

In running away from the crown of a king, Jesus was running toward the cross of a criminal.

I think that's a wonderful place to start when it comes to discerning the voice and direction of Jesus in our lives.  If a path leads to honor or power, that's probably not Jesus.  If it's leading you to a cross, you're probably on the right track.

As always, in John, there's a very simple question.  You know where the road is headed.  How far are you willing to follow him?

Daily Bible Readings

Monday: John 6:19-21
Tuesday: Psalm 51:10-12
Wednesday: Exodus 16:14-15, 35
Thursday: Deuteronomy 8:2-3
Friday: III John 3-4
Saturday: Exodus 3:13-14


Covenant Renewal

Reaffirming our commitments to each other, this community, and to God.

Covenant Renewal comes as a response to a season of transition and change that Sunset Ridge has gone through over the past several years. This process is a chance for all of us to take stock of where and who we are and to ask: Who is still a part of this community? How is each person doing? How can we better connect new and established people into the beautiful organism of this body? What do we hope to be in the future?

Often churches tend to be either a place of consumerism– a place to only come and receive, or a place of constant demands– asking for more and more of people’s time and resources to the point of burnout. By having a covenant renewal process, we would like to name those tendencies, and to affirm that we hope this church is a balance of both– a place where you are cared for and fed, and also a place where you are connected and participating in our mission. 

Over the next several weeks our elders will continue to connect with you to ask these and other important questions, and to listen to whatever you’d like to share. We will also be highlighting our current ministries during services and here in the newsletter– to show what each opportunity is like and how you can plug in. Then, on Sunday, October 2, we will have a service focused around re-commitment, with an opportunity to designate where you’d like to serve and be involved in the life of our church. We invite each of you to join us in reaffirming your commitment to each other, to this community, and to God.


Life Groups for this Fall

Join us for a study by James Bryan Smith, The Good And Beautiful Community, which focuses on helping us live in relationship with others as apprentices of Jesus.  This study will be a natural follow-up to our current study on how to better love our neighbor.

On Sunday, September 11, Riley will teach the introduction to this study in the Fellowship Hall at 9:15 AM for everyone. Then, starting September 18, we will break into Life Groups for the new study. Books have been purchased and will be provided (at no cost to participants). Participants may pick up a book this Sunday, September 4, in the Fellowship Hall.

We welcome everyone to participate. If you are new to Life Groups or if you have questions, please contact Randy Rutland.


Children’s Ministry Partners

Do you have a desire to join our Children’s Ministry Team? We invite you come to a special one-hour session to get a taste of Roots and Godly Play. We’ll show you what we are doing and how you can be involved. Join us on Sunday, September 11, following morning worship in the Fellowship Hall. A light lunch will be provided. If you want to a part of the team but cannot make it to the session, please contact Jonna Rosas or Chelsea Stirman. On-the-job training is available!


Care for Our People

We are putting together two teams to become more intentional about caring for people around us. If you’re interested in joining either of these teams, click the links to connect to the team coordinators!

A pastoral care team is being formed to address the needs of our church family. Perhaps you’re able to prepare a meal, provide transportation, make a phone call, send a card, or just sit and listen to someone. Our pastoral care team will become a reality as we step forward to reach people with His love. Contact Bill Wards or Patti Jennings.

A community care team will be outwardly-focused and concerned with needs in the Charis community. Maybe you feel called to support Camelot Elementary, to deliver Snack Paks on Thursday afternoons, or use your skills in the art of neighboring at community events, you’ll be radiating Jesus’ love outside our walls. Contact Jess Lowry.


Praises & Prayers

On September 1, the Snack Pak4Kids program resumes on our adopted school campus. Please pray for the children and families of Camelot Elementary, for the teachers and other personnel there, and for our church’s investment in serving there.

God, we gather in gratitude, thankful for the ways you seek to revive us! Let the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts work together to praise you in this hour. Grant your Spirit to move our hearts and inspire each of us to share your steadfast love with all whom we encounter. Help us to join in giving only what is good, not only today but every day.  Amen


Views from The Ridge 9.6.22


Views from The Ridge 8.23.22