Views from The Ridge 8.16.22
Sunset Ridge is a church that desires to follow Jesus, reach people, and radiate God’s love and hope to all.
This week…
Wednesday, August 17 at 9am: Last Coffee & Games at Rose Hip Coffee (new events to come)
Wednesday, August 17 from 7:30-9pm: Youth group at the Stirmans’— 6th grade induction
Friday, August 19 at 7:30pm: Sunset Worship on the lawn —an outdoor summer series
Charis Park Plans Revealed this Sunday following worship. Please join us!
Sunday, August 21:
9:15am— The Art of Neighboring adult Bible class in the Fellowship Hall & Roots children’s gathering time in the Kids’ Worship Room
10:30am— Worship Service in the sanctuary
Sermon: “Caught In The Middle”
Scripture: John 5:1-15
Park Plans Reveal!!
Tuesday, August 23 at 9am: Story time on the lawn
Wednesday, August 31 at 10am: Women’s Wednesday Fellowship (formerly the Ladies’ Bible Class)—Indoor Picnic in the Fellowship Hall (cost $5/person)
bring wipes or tissues for Camelot teachers
RSVP to Patti or Sylva
Sunday, October 2: Covenant Renewal Service
“St. Patrick’s Breastplate”
Riley Stirman
When I don't know what to say, I tend to turn to the great Christian thinkers of the past. Without fail, they say it better than I ever could.
I encourage you to dwell on this prayer by St. Patrick (yes, that St. Patrick). It is said that a squadron of soldiers lay in wait to ambush St. Patrick and put him in prison for his work in bringing Christianity to Ireland. For protection, he said this prayer. As he and his brothers passed by, his would-be captors didn't see anything except the image of wild deer led by a small fawn.
Because of this miracle, this prayer became known as St. Patrick's breastplate. I invite you to wear it proudly this week and feel the protective arms of Christ.
"Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me,
Christ in me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me,
Christ on my right, Christ on my left,
Christ where I lie, Christ where I sit, Christ where I arise,
Christ in the heart of everyone who thinks of me,
Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks to me,
Christ in every eye that sees me,
Christ in every ear that hears me.
Salvation is of the Lord.
Salvation is of the Christ.
May your salvation, Lord, be ever with us."
A ‘Back To School Blessing’ given for our returning students, their families, and our school personnel.
Daily Bible Readings
Monday: Exodus 20:8-11
Tuesday: Isaiah 56:1-2
Wednesday: Psalm 107:19-20
Thursday: Matthew 12:11-12
Friday: Luke 14:12-14
Saturday: Luke 7:20, 22
An Opportunity for Spiritual Growth
Click here to register for the Men’s Walk to Emmaus on September 15-18 in Kerrville.
School Supplies for Camelot
This Sunday we’ll be finishing up our school supplies drive for students at Camelot Elementary School. If you’d like to donate, here are some requested supplies:
Crayola Crayons
Crayola Washable Markers
Wide Ruled Spiral Notebooks
Wide Ruled Composition books
Glue Sticks
To join a team of people who serve Camelot Elementary, including through the Snack Pak 4Kids program, click here.
Praises and Prayers
Please pray for teachers, school staff, and students as they begin the school year.
Congratulations to Terri Garatoni for being named the 2023 ESC-20 Secondary Teacher of the Year. Terri is an English teacher at Cole Middle/High School in the Fort Sam Houston ISD.
Last Saturday’s ‘Back To School’ Market at Sunset Ridge brought the community together around Rosehip Coffee Truck and to the area designated soon to be a new neighborhood Park.
Care for Our People
We are putting together two teams to provide care for the people around us. Our pastoral care team will be focused on offering spiritual support and consideration for our immediate congregation. Our community care team is more outwardly-focused, concerned with the more tangible needs of our neighbors in the Charis community. If you’re interested in joining either of these teams, click the links above to connect to the team coordinators!
Covenant Renewal Process
This fall, we will go through a process of reaffirming our commitments to each other, this community, and to God. Our covenant here at Sunset Ridge is one that offers a tending of one’s soul and meaningful discipleship and asks for an intentional involvement with our vision and where we hope to grow as a church. We want to strengthen relationships with one another and explore ways of serving faithfully together in different areas of our church. This is also a season of reminding one another what we believe and why we are here in this particular place at this particular moment.
If you would like more information about this process or would like to get connected, please contact
God, we gather in gratitude, thankful for the ways you seek to revive us! Let the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts work together to praise you in this hour. Grant your Spirit to move our hearts and inspire each of us to share your steadfast love with all whom we encounter. Help us to join in giving only what is good, not only today but every day. Amen