Views from The Ridge 2.19.25

Sunset Ridge is a church that desires to follow Jesus, reach people, and radiate God’s love and hope to all.


10:15am  Bible Class & Discipleship for All Ages

  • Adult Bible Classes:  

    • Fellowship Hall 1:  Bible Study: Jeremiah  

    • Fellowship Hall 2:  BEMA podcast discussion group

  • Women’s Discipleship Group

    • Open to all 

    • Studying Sermon: Acts 2:42-47

  • Youth Group:  

    • 7th-12th grade, Room 218

  • Roots: Children’s Discipleship through Godly Play

    • Bible Story Focus this Week: Mark 10:46-52, Luke 19:1-10

    • Key Verse: Psalm 108:3-4

      • I'm thanking You, God, out in the streets, singing Your praises in town and country. The deeper Your love, the higher it goes; every cloud is a flag to Your faithfulness! 

    • Classrooms (by grade)

      • PreK - Kindergarten, Room 102

      • 1st - 2nd Grade, Room 122

      • 3rd - 6th Grade, Room 203 

Tuesdays, Scott Heare’s Office 

  • 7am Men’s Discipleship Group (3 spots available) 

  • 8:30am Men’s Discipleship Group (currently full) 

    • Studying Sermon Acts: 2:42-47


Sunday, February 23, in Chapel  

  • 9am  Acapella 

  • 11am  Instrumental

Love and Be Loved

Main Passage:  Acts 2:42-47
Supporting Narrative:  The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37)

  • Theme:  The fullest expression of biblical community is love in action.

  • Key Idea:  Love isn’t just an emotion—it’s a commitment to sacrificial care.


Wednesday, March 5th, 7-8pm 

Join us for our Ash Wednesday Service as we begin the season of Lent with reflection, repentance, and renewal. This special service will include prayer, scripture, and the imposition of ashes, reminding us of our dependence on God and the hope we have in Christ. All are welcome to attend.

Around the Community

Local News Feature

Charis Park will be featured on San Antonio’s local Fox News at Nine program this evening as well as tomorrow’s Thursday morning show. Be sure to tune in!

Last month's Good Acres Roundtable sparked an exciting new initiative—The Nuevos Vecinos Supper Club!  Inspired by the discussion on financial opportunities for families at Nuevos Vecinos, this weekly gathering will bring neighbors together over delicious, donation-based meals prepared by the families themselves.  All proceeds will go directly to support their work.

The first supper club will take place on Thursday, February 20th, at the Goliad Road Community of Promise (1630 Goliad Rd., SATX, 78223).

Here’s how you can get involved:

Let’s use our networks to uplift this incredible opportunity for our neighbors!

Long Spoons

Den Slater, Community Member, Sunset Ridge Church of Christ
This past Sunday, Scott spoke about humble service.  The message was framed around the interaction between Jesus and his disciples as Christ placed himself before a wash basin and tended to the feet of his beloved friends (John 13:1–17).  Scott mentioned that the disciples may have been young men, perhaps even teenagers.  As I sat listening, I reflected upon all the teens whose lives have been entwined with my own.  I have taught high school students for nearly fifteen years, and God has introduced me to hundreds of his young people—although for the life of me, I cannot recall a single one that ever made the sound that Scott makes when he is scared!  I do, however, recall a different sound.

I recall the sound of prayer, and one encounter is faceted in my memory.  My dad passed away unexpectedly in 2016.  The school year was underway, so after a few days of absence, I gathered my courage to be consoled.  I can be rather stoic in the face of pain, and I wanted to show everyone that even in deep sadness, I can stubbornly maintain my composure. I met with the juniors and seniors of my theology class, and when the period was over, I took a deep breath and thought, “I did it.  No tears.”  Then a young lady, who had stayed back while the others departed, came and asked, “Can I pray a blessing over you, Mrs. Slater?”  We sat holding hands while this beautiful girl spoke the most loving words of comfort over me, and I felt that lump in my throat…and the tears in my eyes.  I should have worn waterproof makeup that day. 

The kindness that my student extended to me became a personal memory, but it is also a story that I share.  Stories help build community. Here’s a beautiful one from the 1800s—a parable of Lithuanian origin that has undergone many revisions.  It’s about people who gather to eat, but they have no elbows.  A newcomer to the table wonders how they will ever eat their beetroot soup without bending their arms.  Okay, maybe we should use something a bit more San Antonian:  They gathered for their brisket chili (with or without beans)!  The newcomer wonders, “Will they lap it up straight from the bowl?”  But to the observer’s delight, the banqueters picked up long spoons and extended them outward.  They scooped morsels from the far bowls and held the spoon steadily as their companions across the table enjoyed their meals. 

That’s what Jesus wanted his disciples to do.  Of course, the gospel story is different. Jesus wanted the disciples to wash one another’s feet.  He wanted them to meet the needs of others through humble service.  Christ was about to endure a brutal reality upon the cross. Jesus knew that the grief of his disciples would be profound, but he also knew that compassion—selfless love of others—is a soothing balm to givers and receivers alike.  I want to believe that Christ would approve of us becoming a community without elbows.  We just need some long spoons.


Views from The Ridge 2.12.2025