Views from The Ridge 12.06.23
Sunset Ridge is a church that desires to follow Jesus, reach people, and radiate God’s love and hope to all.
This Week
Friday, December 8 Camelot Christmas
We are two days away from this special Christmas Party! We are partnering with the families at Camelot Elementary by providing affordable Christmas gifts for 100 of the children at the school.
This is only possible with your help! If you’re still hoping to contribute, please donate to the Christmas party by selecting “Camelot Christmas” on the dropdown menu on our online giving page, or bring a check to the church office with “Camelot” on the memo line. This money will go directly to helping these families!
We are still looking for volunteers! Please contact Chelsea if you would like to help.
Saturday, December 9 Second Saturday
9am Yoga on the lawn ($10 donation)
10am Storytime
11am “In Print” Art Sale in Coworking Space (enter through Main Office)
Plant-based Breakfast Tacos will be available at One Another Coffee until sold out
Sunday, December 10 Second week of Advent
9:15am Combined study in the fellowship hall (book study: Stay Awhile, by Kara Eidson), children’s Roots gathering
10:30am Worship in the chapel (Jer. 29:4-14; Mark 1:1-8 - Whose Plan is it Anyway?)
4:30pm Chapel worship - Reflection stations
5:30pm Dinner for evening gatherings
6-7pm Parent Group: Every Season Sacred
6-7pm Youth group gathering
Thru this Sunday, December 10: Designate poinsettias that adorn our Sanctuary during the Christmas season (forms in foyer & the church office)
$20 per poinsettia (cash or check payable to Sunset Ridge by December 10)
On December 17, an special insert will be included in the program with names of those being honored
Sunday, December 17
Holiday Luncheon - please sign up to bring side dishes & desserts by contacting Riley or sign up on the sheets available in the fellowship hall
Youth group Christmas party at the Stirmans’
All Part of the Plan
-Riley Stirman
I love a good movie with an elaborate plan. From Ocean's Eleven to Die Hard to Shrek the Third, it's always fun to see an ingenious plan pulled off really well.
One of my favorite tropes of the genre is the fake failure. You know what I mean - at some point in the plan, it will look as if absolutely everything is going off the rails, as if their failure is imminent. But plot twist! That was all part of the plan! I won't spoil any movies that do this, but I hope you know what I'm referring to.
I won't go so far as to say that God works like this in our world. I never want to suggest that God is responsible for the things in our lives that feel wrong. And I don't think God needs to engage in such trickery to exert his dominion over the world. But I do think this is a helpful way to look at our lives to remind ourselves that God is still working.
This is the essential message of the prophets who spoke to the exiled Israelites: this doesn't look great, but God is still with you. The challenge of the prophet, as God's mouthpiece, was to help the people reimagine what it means to be the people of God in circumstances that seemed hostile to that identity. Is it any different with us?
Of course the best example of this is the crucifixion of Jesus. On that day, it seemed as if darkness had won. It seemed as if the Jesus movement was finished. It seemed as if the disciples were just wrong about the man they had chosen to follow. Yet out of the darkness came the light of resurrection. Out of death, death was defeated. In the world of chess, this is what's known as a gambit - you make a sacrifice that seems foolish, but you have the intent of gaining the upper hand and hopefully winning the game altogether.
God is still at work. Whether the elaborate plan for your life is going exactly as you'd imagined or whether it seems like everything is going wrong, God is still with you. God is still bringing about his work of redemption, reconciliation, and resurrection. So have hope. We're in the waiting time, but your Lord is coming. Just like he planned.
From Our Leaders
This week’s update comes from Gregg Alba, our Trustee over stewardship and finance. Our November special contribution was $7,796. This was a blessing from God and we appreciate the generosity from all of you as we continue to manage through our budget deficit, including the new chiller and boiler system. We will have another Special Contribution this Sunday, December 10th, during morning worship. Please review the updated contributions below.
We also are excited to announce giving opportunities available for Charis Park to dedicate and name specific elements of this special space. If you are interested, please contact Taylor Bates to schedule a Park Tour and explore these opportunities to be an integral part of the creation and longevity of our forthcoming Charis Park.
Current through December 3rd
Average Weekly Contributions $10,314
Weekly Budget $11,489
Average Weekly deficit $1,175
YTD deficit $57,596
Praises & Prayers
We would like to wish a Happy 96th Birthday to Pat Walker on December 4th!
Congratulations to Grace Carlin and Bennett Carter, who were married December 2nd. Grace is the daughter of Sean & Bob Carlin.
Jim Derickson, Kelly Alba’s father, is awaiting a lung transplant.
Patrick Howard is recovering from minor injuries suffered in a car accident.
Please join us in prayer for Jess Lowry, our pastoral leader as she recovers from an adrenal crisis related to an autoimmune disease. She is gaining strength and healing at home surrounded by a few select loved ones. If you would like to encourage her during this time, or provide a gift of a meal, please send cards to 95 Brees Blvd (78209) or coordinate with us here.