Views from The Ridge 11.01.23
Sunset Ridge is a church that desires to follow Jesus, reach people, and radiate God’s love and hope to all.
Time Change: Please note that Daylight Savings ends this weekend. Don’t forget to turn your clocks back 1 hour this Saturday night, November 4th!
This Week
Sunday, November 5
9:15am Life Groups, children’s Roots gathering, teen gathering (see website for more info)
10:30am Worship in the Chapel (Magnify - I Samuel 1 & 2)
4:30pm Supper Church Thanksgiving Feast (RSVP today to Riley)
6-7pm Parent Group: Every Season Sacred
6-7pm Youth group gathering - Camelot shopping
Saturday, November 11 Second Saturday on the front lawn
Friday, November 17 Kids’ Night Out: Mark you calendars for a fun night for families before the holiday scramble! Shop for Christmas gifts, prep for Thanksgiving, or just take a night to relax while your little ones eat dinner, do crafts & games, and watch a fun Pixar movie together. Sign up here!
Saturday, November 18 11am-8pm Men’s Retreat: RSVP to Riley, cost is $30, theme: “Who am I?”
All Saints’ Day
-Chelsea Stirman
Today is All Saints’ Day, a holiday celebrated by Catholics and many Protestant traditions in celebration of the faithful Christians – saints – both past and present whose faithful lives blessed those around them. Though it feels unfair to ask one day to hold so much joy, longing, and sadness for those who have left us, the very fact that it is a particular day is one reason I love the liturgical calendar.
We should, of course, remember our brothers and sisters in Christ gratefully and often, but in the chaos of the modern world, I wonder how often we actually hold the space to do so. By setting aside this particular day, at this particular time of year, Christians around the world remind one another of that-of-God they’ve seen in others. We celebrate the faithful people of generations ago that handed down that which is most sacred to us– the living Word of God.
This day reminds me of those I’ve lost, like my little brother Colby, whose greatest joy was making other people laugh, and it also reminds me of the people I still have a chance to express my gratitude for, like my dear adoptive grandmother Linda, who spoke life and truth over me from a young age and continues to do so whenever we’re together.
While it might be tempting to view this day as a funeral service– a reminder of the holes in our hearts that cannot be filled this side of heaven– it’s actually meant to be a feast day. It’s a celebration of the banquet already laid out for those who have gone before and are waiting for us there. Today, I encourage you to commemorate the saints in your lives (past and present) in some small way. If you want to, Google saints from generations ago (Francis, Teresa, Athanasius, for a few to get you started) and learn about what faithful living looked like for them. Praise God for the good work he’s done in these people, and share this goodness with the people around you. We are a people of remembrance. This year, we remember saints from our community that have passed from us in the last two years. We are grateful for their lives:
Tom Lair
Margaret Preston
Janet Ihfe
Rudy Gaedke
Elaine Thorne
Chuck Franzke
Marge Lee
Around Our Community
Sunday evenings are full of life around Sunset Ridge! Our new parent group is in full swing with a mix of parents from both services and different community connection points. Our little ones in the nursery play games & activities, 3rd-5th graders have a special space just for them to hang out, and the youth group has spent the last couple of weeks on the front lawn before the weather turned icy. We can’t wait to see how this time continues to grow and develop. Contact Jess or Chelsea to learn more or to be included in the communications.
The Agape Ministry will hold their 25th Anniversary Celebration with a catered luncheon on Saturday, November 4th from 11:30 AM to 2:00 PM at Crossroads Church (8102 Midcrown, 78239). There will be a fashion show featuring items from The Fig Leaf thrift store and a silent auction with a variety of attractive items. Tickets are $15 each and can be purchased from Joann Thompson.
From Our Leaders
Check out our new information page on the website to learn more about our leaders and their roles here at Sunset Ridge!
Praises & Prayers
Jim Albritton, Des Weatherford’s father-in-law, is recovering from heart surgery.
Mark Perez, Maria Perry’s brother, is scheduled for heart valve replacement surgery on November 2.
The family of Marge Lee would like to thank you all for the many kindnesses you have shown. She appreciated each of you and counted you all as friends.