Views from The Ridge 10.04.23

Sunset Ridge is a church that desires to follow Jesus, reach people, and radiate God’s love and hope to all.

This Week

Friday, October 6, 6-8pm  Young Adult Game Night in the chapel classroom

Saturday, October 7, 10am  Monthly Storytime

Sunday, October 8

  • 9:15am  Life Groups, children’s Roots gathering, teen gathering (see website for more info)

  • 10:30am  Worship in the CHAPEL (Our Value In Christ - Philemon)

  • 4:30pm  Chapel Worship

  • 6-7pm  Parent Group:  Every Season Sacred 

  • 6-7pm  Youth group gathering at the Stirmans’


Monday, October 9  Church office closed

Saturday, October 14  Family Eclipse Party, hosted by Sprouts Day School


-Riley Stirman

The first time I ever made it to the top of a mountain, I fell to my knees.

It was the summer of 2018, and I was on my 4th Wilderness Trek.  My first 3 had all been unsuccessful in making it to the top, usually due to weather.  After a grueling two days of hiking, I finally got to see what life looked like from 14,000 feet.

At the top of Pacific Peak, you can see for hundreds of miles.  You're ringed with other massive, snow-capped mountains.  The sky seems like it stretches out forever.  And you feel impossibly small as the winds whip around your face.

As we finished our time at the summit, one of our guides invited us to circle up to pray, but to circle facing outwards, staring across the mountain range.  He told us to spend just a moment reflecting on the Creator who lovingly stitched together the tapestry we got to enjoy.  He invited us to think about every pebble, tree, and stream that made up every mountain we could see.  He had us consider how many mountains fill our world with their majesty and beauty.  And he shared his conviction that all of that was spoken into existence out of God's immense love.

There are just some moments that bring us to our knees.  There are times when the only response of which we're capable is jaw-dropping awe.  I firmly believe these are gifts from God where we begin to get a better sense of how small we are and how great he is.  When we begin paying attention to the grandeur of our world or the unceasing love that flows from our Creator, what else is there to do but be in awe?

These moments don't come often.  I don't think they can be manufactured, staged, or forced. They come when they come, and we receive them joyfully as the gifts that they are.  But we were told one more thing before we departed from the summit.

"Don't forget what you experienced on the mountain.  Because it'll still be true when you're in the valley."

Wonder is a gift meant to fuel and sustain our life's journey.  Sometimes we'll find ourselves at lofty mountain peaks.  Sometimes we'll find ourselves walking through the shadow of the valley of death.  Most times we're just trudging across some flat plains.  Regardless, the wonder that fills our spirit in one moment is meant to stay with us even when our circumstances change.

I treasure that feeling of staring out at the vastness of the Rocky Mountains.  I draw from that experience when I need a reminder of how I fit into this world.  If I'm struggling with identity, I remember that God worked on me with the same care and loving attention that he used to make a mountain.  If I'm feeling proud or arrogant, I can remember exactly how small and insignificant I looked from the top of a snowy peak.

Wherever you find yourself today or later this week, remember what it feels like to be enraptured at the goodness of God.  Spend some time shaking your head and smiling, because how could we even begin to understand the beauty of a Creator who is love made alive?  Allow yourself to fall on your knees and just say . . . "wow."

And hold on to those feelings of awe.  You may need them for the journey.

Around Our Community

Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Feast this past Sunday!  The kids loved getting to prepare food for you, and we hope that you were uplifted by sharing that time around the table together.  We look forward to next month.

From Our Leaders

This week’s update comes from Gregg Alba, our Trustee over stewardship and finance. 

We are thrilled to share that through an act of incredible generosity, our budget deficit has decreased by $60,000. 

We ask every member to prayerfully consider how you might contribute to reducing our deficit, ensuring our work in God’s Kingdom for generations to come. 

We will have the following special contribution dates to encourage an additional offering to offset this deficit: 
October 8
November 12
December 10

As you know, our HVAC system failed as anticipated. The Trustees voted at their monthly meeting last week to completely replace the system, and we expect that replacement to take place in the next month. We will keep you informed on the progress. 

This cost is an additional $148,000. 

Your special contribution will go toward the year-to-date deficit and help to mitigate the cost of the HVAC replacement. 

Avg. Wkly. Contributions $10,216.60 
Weekly Budget
Avg Weekly Deficit/Surplus
$ (1,272.51)

YTD Deficit Surplus $ (50,900.40)

Agape Ministry Requests

Please continue to bring your non-perishable food items (canned goods, cereal, and peanut butter are especially appreciated) and place them in the boxes in the Fellowship Hall and foyer.  

Agape still needs donations of new or like-new items for their silent auction.  Please do not leave silent auction donations in the Fellowship Hall or foyer, but arrange to give them directly to Glennie Scalercio or Joann Thompson - you may also contact them with any questions.

Praises & Prayers

Please keep Bob & Carol Gerhardt in your prayers as Bob recovers from heart surgery.
Congratulations to Bob & Carol Gerhardt on the birth of their grandson, Brooks Michael Gerhardt, on September 27th.


Views from The Ridge 10.11.23


Views from The Ridge 09.27.23