Views from The Ridge 10.4.22

Sunset Ridge is a church that desires to follow Jesus, reach people, and radiate God’s love and hope to all.

This week…

Wednesday, October 5, from 7:30-9pm: Youth Group at the Stirman’s

Saturday, October 8 from 9:30-11am: Family Morning on the lawn

Sunday, October 9:

  • 9:15amFall Life Groups (thru November 13) & Roots Children’s Class

  • 10:30am— Worship Service (Chapel)

    Sermon: “Fit For A King”

    Scripture: John 12:1-8

  • 4:30pm— Liturgy & Worship in the Chapel


Monday, October 10: Church Office closure

Tuesday, October 11:

  • 9am— Children’s Storytime on the lawn

  • 6:30pm— Life Group in the Fellowship Hall

Sunday, November 13: Covenant Renewal Service


"A Word Of Lament"

Riley Stirman

A good word on grief in the wake of death:

Of necessity we must be sorrowful when those whom we love leave us in death.  Although we know that they have not left us behind forever but only gone ahead of us, still when death seizes our loved one, our loving hearts are saddened by death itself.  Thus the apostle Paul does not tell us not to grieve but “not to grieve like those who are without hope.  Let us grieve, therefore, over the necessity of losing our loved ones in death but with the hope of being reunited with them.  If we are afflicted we still find consolation.  Our weakness weights us down, but faith bears us up.  We sorrow over the human condition, but find our healing in the divine promise.”

- St. Augustine of Hippo, Sermon 172

As our weakness weighs us down, may our faith bear us up.  As we sorrow, may we find healing in the divine promise. 

We praise God that neither the cross nor the tomb had the final word.  And we praise God that we do not mourn without hope.  To Him be the glory.

Daily Bible Readings


Covenant Renewal

In morning worship this past Sunday we were introduced to the first part of the formal Covenant Document, which reads:

As members of the Sunset Ridge Church of Christ, we believe it is our mission to follow Jesus, reach people, and radiate his love and hope to all. We affirm this covenant with one another by God’s grace for our good and ultimately for God’s glory. We believe that the death and resurrection of Christ has brought us into new life with the Spirit. We also believe that God is at work in the world bringing about new creation and that we are empowered as his people to join that work.

We hope that you will join in reaffirming our commitments to each other, this community, and to God in a special Covenant Renewal Service set for Sunday, November 13.


Good Work Gets Shared - an Update from the Charis Collective

This past Sunday, we hosted a group of 50 faith leaders from around the country for a formal learning workshop through the global organization Rooted Good. Our friends at the Impact Guild helped guide this workshop so these leaders can learn from the good work of the Charis Collective and take that knowledge back to their churches/organizations and create more good work. Our pastoral leader, Jess Lowry, shared our story with them, gave a guided tour of our space and future park, and aided in answering the many questions they had.

We hope you will pray for these faith leaders and all the good to come!


Family News & Notes

Congratulations to Matt & Sofie Kunkel, who were married in the chapel on October 1. We welcome Matt and his children Emmanuel, Danielle & Annabelle to our Sunset Ridge church family.

We extend sympathy to the Ihfe family on the death of Janet Ihfe on October 2.

All services for Janet Ihfe will be held at Porter Loring Downtown (1101 McCullough): Visitation will be held Sunday, October 9, from 5-7pm. A memorial service will be held Monday, October 10, at 12 noon, followed by a graveside service at 1:30pm at Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery. A livestream of the memorial service is linked here. In case you missed it in this week’s Charis newsletter, Kelly Alba wrote a beautiful tribute to Janet. Click here to read.

Note Received:

Dear Sweet Sisters of the Wednesday morning class…Thank you so very much for the beautiful and thoughtful card of encouragement you sent me last week. It was a wonderful gift to know you are thinking of me and praying for me. I miss being with you so much. I cherish that we have such great love for each other. Thank you, thank you, thank you!! Lynn Rutland


Praises & Prayers

Carol Gerhardt is undergoing radiation treatments every weekday through November 25.

As you may have noticed, there is a landscaping project happening on our campus! This entire project, which will beautify and repurpose the area around our main entrance, is an incredible gift from a generous neighbor. The plans include low-maintenance native trees and plants as well as garden beds and integrated seating. Take a look!

God, we gather in gratitude, thankful for the ways you seek to revive us! Let the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts work together to praise you in this hour. Grant your Spirit to move our hearts and inspire each of us to share your steadfast love with all whom we encounter. Help us to join in giving only what is good, not only today but every day.  Amen


Views from The Ridge 10.11.22


Views from The Ridge 9.27.22