Views from The Ridge 9.20.22
Sunset Ridge is a church that desires to follow Jesus, reach people, and radiate God’s love and hope to all.
This week…
Wednesday, September 21, from 7:30-9pm:
Youth Group at the Stirmans’— Connect the Dots
Feel free to come early at 7 to help prepare the meal or show up at the normal time to enjoy the meal together!
Friday, September 23 at 6:30pm: Outdoor Worship - Root Beer & Hymns
Sunday, September 25:
9:15am— Fall Life Groups (thru November 13) & Roots Children’s Class
10:30am— Worship Service (location TBD - watch for an email later this week)
Sermon: “Leadersheep”
Scripture: John 10:1-21
Tacos for CAM service opportunity in the kitchen following worship
No Charis Worship on Sunday afternoon
Tuesday, September 27 at 9am: Children’s Storytime on the lawn
Wednesday, September 28 at 10am: Women’s Wednesday Fellowship
Sunday, October 2: Supper Church
Saturday, October 8: Family Morning
Sunday, November 13: Covenant Renewal Service
“Disorder in the Court”
Riley Stirman
Many times throughout the Gospel of John, Jesus and the Pharisees come into conflict in what essentially amounts to a courtroom drama scene. They argue, they ask questions, they demand witnesses, and they issue condemnation and sentencing. Some commentators even think of the book as one long trial leading up to Jesus's crucifixion.
It's interesting to look at the stories through this lens. Inevitably, Jesus will flip the script on them without fail until it's not entirely clear who exactly is on trial. At first of course the Pharisees come to question him, to demand what right he has to do or say the things he's been doing or saying. They put him on the proverbial witness stand so that they can deal with him. They can fit him into a neat category and be done with him. He's either a prophet or a blasphemer, a sinner or a lunatic, a demon-worshiper or a drunkard. They're not sure which, but they're intent to get to the bottom of it.
This is what makes stories like John 9 so compelling. After a long drawn-out conflict as the Pharisees seek to figure out what happened with the healing of the blind man, Jesus finds the man once more and asks if he believes in him. The man answers in the affirmative, and Jesus says something along the lines of, 'Good, because I'm here to pass my judgment.'
The Gospels drip with irony, and these courtroom scenes are perfect examples of this. The Pharisees attempt to judge the one true judge. They dare question the source of truth itself. They threaten him for making someone see when he is there to condemn them for their blindness.
It never goes well for people when they try to put a box around Jesus. It's never a good idea to try to get Jesus to sign on to your own agenda. And he has some harsh words for people who simply wanted him to reinforce the established social and political order.
Once again, our Gospels lead us to a word of caution. If we are the ones who claim we have true sight but continually try to put Jesus on trial, to get him to see things our way, or to make him justify our own actions, we ourselves end up on trial. But if we have the courage to let Jesus approach, to have an encounter with the Light of the world, and to allow our eyes to be opened, we will walk away forever changed.
If we come to Jesus for answers, we tend to get frustratingly few. If we come to Jesus for abundant life, we will find more than we could ever imagine. Approach Jesus this week with an open mind, ready to be transformed.
Daily Bible Readings
Monday: Ezekiel 34:2-5
Tuesday: Psalm 100:1-3
Wednesday: Psalm 95:6-7
Thursday: Ezekiel 34:11-12, 14
Friday: Psalm 29:3-5, 9
Saturday: Colossians 1:24-27
Covenant Renewal / Our Ministry to Families
Reaffirming our commitments to each other, this community, and to God.
This past weekend, our teens and their adult sponsors went on a retreat out at Medina Lake. In their time together they talked about Story— how the resurrection of Jesus was shared by different people, and how each of their stories changed because of it. Our Teens returned from retreat in time to serve all of us in our morning worship.
On Sunday, November 13, we will have a service focused around re-commitment, with an opportunity to designate where you’d like to serve and be involved in the life of our church. At Sunset Ridge, adult sponsors play a special and vital role as they interact with and mentor our youth. And both adults and teens may help serve our children in our Sunday morning Roots children’s class or in our Kids’ Worship (during service). If you are interested in serving either our youth or our children, please contact Chelsea Stirman at
Praises & Prayers
Congratulations to Clint & Kelsey Harp on the birth of their son, Charles Boone, on September 18. John & Necia Harp are the proud grandparents.
God, we gather in gratitude, thankful for the ways you seek to revive us! Let the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts work together to praise you in this hour. Grant your Spirit to move our hearts and inspire each of us to share your steadfast love with all whom we encounter. Help us to join in giving only what is good, not only today but every day. Amen