Views from The Ridge 08.30.23
Sunset Ridge is a church that desires to follow Jesus, reach people, and radiate God’s love and hope to all.
This Week…
Sunday, Sept 3
9:15am Life Groups, children’s Roots gathering, teen gathering (see website for more info)
10:30am Worship (Ouch - Psalm 42)
4:30pm Supper Church
Monday, September 4 Labor Day - office closed
Wednesday, September 6, 7 PM Youth group
Saturday, September 9, 10 AM Second Saturday
Looking For This?
Riley Stirman
A couple months ago, Chelsea and I were lazing around the house when we heard a knock at the door. We weren't expecting company or (to Chelsea's dismay) any packages, so we assumed it was going to be some solicitor. Wrong on all counts.
When we opened the door, our dog Copper was on the front porch, tail wagging and looking all too pleased with himself, accompanied by one of our neighbors. Not one who lived next door, but one who lived behind us, across the alley.
Apparently - unbeknownst to us - Copper had seen our neighbor's dogs and decided that he didn't want to miss out on meeting a new friend. He hurdled our back fence, started spreading his patented in-your-face brand of love, and refused to go away.
There were several emotions that we experienced as our neighbor told us what had happened. We were obviously embarrassed for the trouble our dog had caused. But we were ultimately relieved that something so precious to us, that could have easily been lost, was returned safely to us.
After awhile, though, we realized how troubling it was that we didn't even know he was in danger of being lost.
We made assumptions about his safety. We took his presence for granted. We were busy with our own things, thinking about our own comfort levels, or taking care of our own business. We didn't stop to wonder whether Copper was okay.
The parables of the lost sheep, lost coin, and lost son(s) all challenge us to see that there are things we are constantly in danger of losing. Either we forget to pay them their due attention or we fail to treat them with the importance that they're owed or we just flat-out fail to count.
This would be a challenging message if it were about possessions we'd been given or dogs in our backyard, but the last parable - the one typically called “The Prodigal Son” - tells us that we can lose people as well. We can fail to treat them as if they're important. We can forget to count them. And we sometimes won't even realize when they slip away.
As someone who has felt lost, and as someone who has failed to keep count of the people important to me, I know there can be real pain in this. But I also believe that through Christ's work of reconciliation, there can also be healing, redemption, and something akin to resurrection.
This week, I encourage you to reach out to an old friend or to someone with whom you haven't spoken in awhile. Ask them earnestly how their life is. Take them to lunch if you can. Be the one who seeks, and you may come upon someone you didn't even know was lost. And through the grace of God, maybe we can be people who bring light and life to those who have been missing it.
Around the Community
Jeff & Julie Mankins
Anthony & Glenna Miranda
Larry Bob & Jan Moore
Alicia & Mike Nyman
Byron Stone
Riley Stirman
Clay Thompson
Joann Thompson
Heather Webb
Gregg & Kelly Alba
Warren Branch
Suzan Browning
Kyle & Melanie Fry
Patti Jennings
Brennan & Rachel Lowry
Nathan & Jess Lowry
Noëlle Lowry
Kippa Moralez
From Our Leaders
Each week we will share an update from our Committees here in Views from the Ridge. This week our update comes from Kim Gilbert, our Trustee over Facilities.
We’ve had some challenges with our HVAC and as a result, we will need to invest in repairs and replacement.
Chapel AC needs to be replaced at a cost of $28,400.
The Sanctuary will need the main Chiller and Boiler and select parts replaced at a cost of $138,000.
In positive news, we are interviewing architects for the upcoming building projects and will update the congregation as available.
The Building Team working on the building projects consists of:
Kim Gilbert
Taylor Bates
Chelsea Stirman
Kelly Alba
Michael Lockridge
Kate Jalcedo
Jeff Davidson
Amber Hicks
Jan Moore
New Sermon Series:
A Simple Prayer
This Sunday, September 3rd, we'll begin our next sermon series called Simple Prayer. Sometimes thinking about prayer can be daunting. I often feel I'm not doing it right or I'm not doing it often enough. But what if prayer was simple? What if I saw that expressing the wants, needs, or pains in my life was nothing short of a conversation with the almighty God? Prayer is one of the most powerful gifts God ever gave his creation, and it can simply change our lives if we let it.
Prayers & Praises
We express sympathy to the family of Chuck Franzke, who passed away on August 24th.