Views from The Ridge 3.7.23
Sunset Ridge is a church that desires to follow Jesus, reach people, and radiate God’s love and hope to all.
This week…
Wednesday, March 8: Youth Group service project - Snack Pak 4Kids delivery at Camelot Elementary
Thursday, March 9:
1:00pm— Prayer & Care Ministry Team Meeting in the Fellowship Hall
5:30-6:30pm— Children’s Family Dinner in the Fellowship Hall
Saturday, March 11, 10am: Second Saturday Story Time on the Lawn
Sunday, March 12:
9:15am— Roots Children’s Gathering and Life Groups (see hall signs for current offerings and meeting locations)
10:30am— Annual Meeting of the Sunset Ridge Church of Christ Foundation
10:30am— Worship in the Sanctuary
Sermon: “Forgiveness - A Key To Freedom”
Text: Luke 23:26-34
4:30pm— Liturgy & Worship in the Chapel
Saturday, March 25 : Coffee Trailer Grand Opening
The Foolishness of the Cross
Riley Stirman
“[Our Gospel writers] literally glory in the Cross. . . . They are clear, with an absolute conviction, that the best and most wonderful thing he ever did was . . . to die a felon's death, between two robbers. It was their hero's greatest heroism that he was executed as a common criminal.” - Philip Rhinelander
The claim of Christianity is absurd. Even setting aside the fact that we claim that there was a man named Jesus who rose from the dead, we still say that we believe some shocking things. The early Christians were relentlessly mocked and ridiculed for believing that the God they worshiped was crucified like one of multitudes of criminals. In fact, there is a piece of graffiti that many people believe to be the oldest image depicting Jesus, and it shows a man worshiping a figure with a donkey’s head on the cross. That’s right, the oldest piece of Christian art we have is an insult towards Christians.
It is interesting that our Gospels spend so much time talking about his death. It would be so easy - and so tempting - to skate past the death part to focus on resurrection, glory, and power. But our Bibles set a different example. They saw something of critical importance in the death of Christ, absurd as it may be. They somehow saw that this death on the cross was worth dwelling on and glorying in.
I know it still sounds ridiculous, but that’s the job left for us modern Christians. We are the people sent to proclaim the good news, and that good news includes the fact that our savior was murdered by an oppressive government. In doing so, he brought a certain honor to the darkest parts of human existence. In Acts 5, the apostles are interrogated, beaten, and threatened. Yet we’re told they leave rejoicing in the fact they were counted worthy of suffering for their savior (5:41).
The cross of Christ changes absolutely everything. Instead of saving us from our suffering, the cross turns it into an honor to join Jesus in suffering. Instead of ensuring we will never die, the cross makes the experience of death holy. Instead of granting us power, wealth, and fame, the cross makes us the most joyful bunch of misfits and outcasts the world has ever known.
This is why we dwell on the unpleasant parts of Jesus’s death. Because there will be unpleasant parts of our lives as well. And we rejoice that our God experienced them and made them holy. So, ridiculous as it may sound, let’s rejoice that our Savior died a felon’s death. And may we have the strength to see him beside us as we suffer.
Daily Bible Readings
These passages supplement the upcoming Sunday sermon:
Monday: Psalm 51:1
Tuesday: Psalm 103:12
Wednesday: Proverbs 28:13
Thursday: Matthew 6:14
Friday: Ephesians 4:32
Saturday: I John 1:9
Daylight Savings Time
Daylight Savings Time begins March 12. Don’t forget to turn your clocks FORWARD 1 HOUR this Saturday night.
Foundation Annual Meeting
The Annual Meeting of the Sunset Ridge Church of Christ Foundation will be Sunday, March 12, at 10:30 AM.
Thank you to each person who has been serving in our Sunday morning worship and hospitality! If you would like to access the platform we use, you can follow this link. If you have not been scheduled or would like to find new areas to serve, please fill out our covenant survey here. We are so grateful for this community and the ways we are able to serve each other!
Youth News
Snack Paks - Wednesday, March 8, 7pm
This week, our youth group will be helping with the Snack Paks delivery, which helps provide meals for food-insecure elementary-aged kids. Meet at the church at 7pm and we’ll deliver and then go out for food or ice cream afterwards!
Register Now for Trek & MPulse
Register now for Trek in New Mexico (June 4-10). Trek is open to incoming freshmen through graduated seniors in our community. Sign up using this link: Pin: 2607
Register now for MPulse Camp at Abilene Christian University (July 9-14). MPulse is open to incoming 7th through 9th graders. Sign up using this link:
Please contact with any questions.
Children’s News
Children’s Family Dinner - Thursday, March 9th, 5:30-6:30pm - Fellowship Hall
This is a space to gather around the table with your family and other young families in this community. We will have activities and intentional conversation cards to encourage your spiritual growth as a family!
Second Saturday - Saturday, March 11th, 10am
Join us on the front lawn this Saturday for a story, games, and the celebration of spring for our young kids and their families. We will also have the (tentative - ask Taylor whether or not to use that word) soft launch of our new coffee trailer, which we are hoping to fully open later this month!
Parents’ Night Out - Friday, March 24th, 6-9pm
Kids ages 6 weeks through 5th grade are invited to the Roots room for dinner, activities, and games while their caregivers get a night to themselves. Register your child here and email to volunteer to help!
Prayers & Praises
We Extend Sympathy To: The Garatoni Family on the death of Terri’s mother, Carol Hess. Funeral services were held March 4th in San Angelo, Texas.
We Extend Sympathy To: Jonna Rosas and family on the death of Andy’s mother, Sylvia Rosas, on March 3rd.
Mike Randolph will begin treatment for stage 1-2 bladder cancer in April.
We had a beautiful Supper Church gathering this past Sunday evening in the courtyard. Thank you to everyone who helped prepare the food and who participated in our conversations around the tables. Our next Supper Church will be April 2nd!
God, we gather in gratitude, thankful for the ways you seek to revive us! Let the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts work together to praise you in this hour. Grant your Spirit to move our hearts and inspire each of us to share your steadfast love with all whom we encounter. Help us to join in giving only what is good, not only today, but every day. Amen