Views from The Ridge 1.29.2025

Sunset Ridge is a church that desires to follow Jesus, reach people, and radiate God’s love and hope to all.

This Week

Saturday, February 1  Sunset Ridge Farmers Market, 9am-1pm, Charis Park

Sunday, February 2  Scott Heare preaching: Acts 2:42-47

  • 9am  Worship in the Chapel 

  • 10:15am  Classes for all ages

    • Adult Classes:  Fellowship Hall

    • Women’s Group:  Chapel Classroom 

    • Youth Group:  7th-12th grade, Rm 218

    • Roots (Children’s Ministries)

      • Pre-K through-Kindergarten, Room 102

      • 1st - 2nd Grade, Room 122

      • 3rd - 6th Grade, Room 203

  • 11am  Worship in the Chapel 

To view recorded sermons from Sunset Ridge Church, please make sure to add us to your subscriptions on YouTube.

A Look at February

Sunset Ridge Farmers Market- Every Saturday, 9am-1pm

Second Saturday in Charis Park - Saturday, Feb 8th
Betty’s Co on Campus - Feb 13th-19th
Offices and One Another Coffee Closed - Monday, Feb 17th, Presidents’ Day

Around the Community

We had a fantastic turnout for our DreamWeek event, with a full chapel brimming with energy and connection. Mae Czarnecki, our Storytelling Manager, did a wonderful job hosting the evening, sharing her own story in a way that made the night even more meaningful. Each speaker offered deeply personal reflections that resonated with attendees, reminding us of the power of coming together as neighbors and as a city. The event exemplified the strength found in shared experiences through the lens of the Global Human Flourishing Program. If you missed it, you can listen to the full recording on YouTube.

Reaching Beyond Ourselves

Jess Lowry, Executive Director Sunset Ridge Church of Christ & Sunset Ridge Collective
In 2011, my family took a leap of faith, moving across the country for a job opportunity that uprooted us from everything familiar. While the excitement of a new chapter was real, loneliness soon followed. But then, Sunset Ridge stepped in. Through a simple invitation to lunch and a game night, we began to find connection, belonging, and the reminder that no one is meant to walk alone. This warmth and welcome is in the DNA of our beautiful church community. 

This past Sunday, we closed out our (Re) series by focusing on what it means to reach—to extend beyond ourselves in the way Christ did. The Apostle Paul, writing from prison, urged the Philippian church to press on, to reach forward with purpose and passion. He wasn’t talking about passive hope but an active, sacrificial pursuit of something greater than ourselves.

We live in a time where loneliness is a silent epidemic. Our world encourages self-focus, but Jesus calls us outward—to be a people of radical hospitality and presence. The simple act of reaching out, of sacrificing our time, energy, or comfort for someone else, is where true connection is built.

So what does it mean for us to reach?
It means choosing presence over passivity.
It means prioritizing people over convenience.
It means being the hands and feet of Jesus in a world desperate for belonging.

This week, I encourage you to reach. Start small: invite someone to coffee, check in on a neighbor, or introduce yourself to someone new. Each act of self-sacrifice strengthens the fabric of our community and draws us closer to God’s heart. Connectedness is important to all of us for our communal and personal flourishing. 

Because when we reach, we remind the world—you matter, you are seen, you belong.



Praises & Prayers

We express sympathy to Jo-Lynne Smith and her family on the recent death of Jo-Lynne’s husband, Sterling Smith, Sr.

Note received:

“To my Sunset Ridge Family,
Thank you so much for your prayers and support during this time of loss.  Mike sure did love all of you so much.  I love you still!”

Holly, Claire & Ford Glasgow


Views from The Ridge 2.05.2025


Views from The Ridge 1.22.2025